Collar of the osteochondrosis is a disease of the cervical spine, and hereditary-degenerative and degenerative processes that occur in the intervertebral discs.
More than 80% of the population complain of pain in the neck. In addition, 30 % of the headaches related directly with the band to the neck of the osteochondrosis.
If before with this illness were older people, today are increasingly victims of osteochondrosis of the neck of 20-30 years of the patients.
The causes of the
Most unfavourable causes of the degeneration of the vertebrae in the neck are:
- physical inactivity, that is to say, the small of the physical activity;
- the poor diet;
- the prolonged physical effort;
- salt deposits;
- a wide variety of lesions;
- the alteration of the metabolism and excess weight;
- the prolonged sedentary work (for example, a computer) without interruption;
- poorly organized, a place to sleep (mattress, pillow);
- the long journeys or standing of the driving of the vehicle.
The risk factors are: hypothermia in the cervical region, heredity, hormonal disorders.
In addition, to contribute to the development of the degenerative disc disease cervical can the autoimmune diseases, for example, rheumatic fever, systemic lupus erythematosus.
The disease develops slowly, but tends to progression.
The symptoms of the
The main symptoms of osteochondrosis of the neck:
- pain syndrome. This can be as insignificant, and a strong pain in the neck;
- the numbness. Typically, this refers to the sphere of the hand, shoulder, shoulder, neck, may also be a tingling sensation. A common feature is the popping in the neck during rotation of the head;
- the noise and the ringing in the ears. Sometimes impairment of hearing;
- the migraine and headaches, weakness in the muscles of the hands and of the feet;
- nausea, shortness of breath. The man can't seem to breathe, this leads to oxygen starvation;
- disorders of vision. It is observed blurred, decreased visual acuity, appear the so-called "front sights" before the eyes;
- the instability of the blood pressure. The patient plagued with increasing or decreasing blood pressure, as a result appears the vertigo.
In terms of the pain syndrome, particularly, often seeks a patient to turn the head or after sleep, a minimum amount of physical activity in hand, coughing, or sneezing. The pain can be, so to speak, of "give" in the occipital area of the shoulders and in the hand. If you tilt the head forward, often produce pain sensations below the spatula.
The diagnosis
For a diagnosis of degenerative disc disease, cervical, worth a consult to an orthopedic physician or nevrologu. He will carry out the inspection and survey of the patient, and the direct cervical x-ray in several projections. In some cases it may be necessary for magnetic resonance imaging mri scan, and magnetic resonance imaging is the diagnostic.
The treatment of the
Collar of the osteochondrosis needs a lot of systematic and progressive treatment. Mainly the therapy aims to remove the pain syndrome and the fight against the inflammatory process.
In the early stages of the disease is sufficient manipulative therapy, the treatment of the gym. In most execution - it is necessary to the pharmacological treatment.
It is also important to create the conditions for the regeneration of damaged tissues, to do this apply the prepared of group B vitamins in the form of injections or pills.
You must comply with the regime of work and rest, take care of the pleasant dream, not to lift weights and to stop the addiction.
The osteochondrosis of cervical many consider that it is quite insidious of the disease. Because as well as the cervical vertebrae are close to each other, at the slightest deformation compressed the nerve roots and the blood vessels. Finally broken brain blood circulation, and that in consequence, and leads to headaches, migraines. In the cases, are the consequences of ischemia of the brain or of the spinal cord, and even the risk of stroke.
In the area of risk and the cardiovascular system. Some people of the years, seen a cardiologist because of a pain in the heart, constantly "drift" of high pressure, and the reason lies in the osteochondrosis of the neck.
Also by the crushing of the nerve endings of a patient can suffer from hearing, vision, banishing the coordination of movements.
In the execution of its forms and without proper treatment, it is possible the formation of hernias, for the treatment you need a surgical intervention.
In people over the age of collar of the osteochondrosis is often combined with deformation arthritis) in the cervical region, wear vertebrae etc
The prevention of the
To avoid degenerative disease of the cervical disc, it is necessary to lead a healthy life, full of eating, exercising on a regular basis. The greatest emphasis is placed on ensuring the proper organization of the workplace, as well as the fulfillment of a regimen of work and rest.